What is a Disciple?

What is a Disciple?

Those of you who attended our Charge Conference in December may recall that our District Superintendent, Reverend Daniel Foster asked us, “What is a disciple?” The mission statement of the United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. To follow that, don’t we have to have an idea of what a disciple is? Because it was a surprise question, the response was not enthusiastic. I can’t even remember what was said, other than, “all of us are” which although true doesn’t get at what I’m sure Rev. Foster wanted us to reflect on. Perhaps he could have refined the question to, what characterizes a disciple? What are the qualities of a disciple? How do we recognize a disciple of Jesus Christ? I Googled these sorts of things and got all sorts of lists, none of which I found satisfying (This is a lesson about the Internet – because Google places the most popular responses first it often narrows the possibilities; the most popular rarely reflects truth.) One example is from the Tabernacle Baptist Church:

1. Imitates the Master.

2. Does not fear the world.

3. Confesses the Lord.

4. Willing to forsake one’s family.

5. Offers up one’s own life.

6. Receives a reward. Hmmm?.

On January 26 in the worship service during the sermon time I will be asking the congregation these questions in a dialogue sermon.:

1. What characterizes a disciple?

2. What are the qualities of a disciple?

3. How do we recognize a disciple of Jesus Christ?

The text from the lectionary from the gospel is the calling of the disciples; epiphany is the time to ask this sort of question. So I ask you all to prepare yourselves. Reflect on what you think being a disciple means. I’m looking forward to what you all share. If you don’t come up with anything it will be a very short sermon.

Pastor Jim

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