Another Year

We have entered another new year…. What happened to the summer? Does anyone else feel that way? I usually feel as though I’m behind at least one season. I want to hold back time, as opposed to trying to get ahead. But I also know, entering the new year that it is a time to plan ahead.

In our last Beta-Vitality meeting, in the context of a discussion on marketing, we acknowledged that we must plan ahead and put things on the calendar far in advance. The habit of our Church has been more to go with the flow – decide to do something a month ahead. It has also been to do the same things each year. Our Church is not alone in this; I would even say that most churches are like this. And, I confess, I am like this. And I will say there are good things about going with the flow. At the same time, in our world when time is passing by so fast and our calendars fill up so quickly, we have to plan for the summer now.

I want to share a quote from one of my favorite magazines – The Christian Century – of postmodern philosopher, John Caputo:

Our nonstop travel has created a crisis in truth. With our modern transportation systems, we can travel almost anywhere, and with our modern information systems almost anything can travel to us. Truth is in constant transit. And it is unnerving. The fundamental difference between a liberal and a conservative, I think, is the stomach you have for the journey. Your willingness to explore the unnamed; your willingness to expose yourself to the future. To put what you’ve inherited at risk for sights unknown and places unvisited.

Based on this quote, I’m conservative! What I take away from this, in the context of planning ahead, is we need to explore, risk, try the new thing, and that IS unnerving.

We did a new thing when we became a Reconciling Congregation last year. It was risky business. And it has transformed our Church. I have asked this before – what are we willing to risk now? I would encourage all of us to feel challenged to be creative. Committees, consider the new thing. What kind of events can we have that will further connect us? There has been talk of an all church retreat. What mission do we want to take on? At Ronald UMC, they have identified homelessness as the focus of their mission, and partnering with Compass Housing, Hopelink and the City of Shoreline, they are building low income housing. What are issues that we need to take on: healthcare, the environment, mental illness? What is our next new thing?

In numerous places in the Bible it says that God makes all things new. But that doesn’t happen without us. We must open ourselves to the breeze of the Holy Spirit offering us new life. As we enter the new year, let’s ponder sights unknown and places unvisited.

John Caputo has written a number of books including The Weakness of God. I would like to share a quote from this book too:

Life is a risky business, and we worry constantly about the future,, about what is coming, for ourselves and for others – and so we must, but we should worry without worry, and do so in the name of Elohim (God). Tomorrow it may be better or perhaps is will be worse, but that is another day. Today is the day to say yes. Life is a beautiful risk, and the lilies are the beautiful part.


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