Adult Sunday School: Living the Questions

This fall in Adult Sunday School, we will be reading and discussing a book entitled, Living the Questions: The Wisdom of Progressive Christianity by David Felten and Jeff Proctor-Murphy. Originally Living the Questions was a DVD series (which I own) which was very popular amongst clergy. The authors realized (correctly, I think) that the “wisdom” in the DVD needed to reach a broader audience and therefore created the book. Chapter titles include, Taking the Bible Seriously but not Literally, Thinking Theologically, Evil, Suffering and the God of Love, Practicing Resurrection, The Myth of Redemptive Violence and Honoring Creation. I have no doubt that this book will generate good discussion amongst the wonderful people who have attended our class.

Parenthetically, the book generated controversy in the Phoenix area where David Felten in the pastor of Fountain Hills UMC. Eight neighboring churches organized a six part series challenging the book – the title of the series was “Progressive Christianity: Fact or Fiction,” and the six sessions were: Why Does it Matter that God Doesn’t Change, Why Does it Matter that the Bible is Reliable (inerrant), Why Does it Matter that Jesus is God, Why Does it Matter that Jesus was Born of a Virgin, Why Does it Matter that Jesus was Resurrected, Why Does it Matter that Jesus is the Only Way? One can well imagine what was preached at those sessions – all the more reason for us to become both clear and open about our faith. My hope is that this book will assist us in becoming articulate about how we believe – and what we don’t believe. It will help us in forming our identity, crystallizing our message (as relative as it may be) and giving us the means to be in dialogue with the folks like those in the eight churches in Phoenix.

We meet every Sunday morning beginning September 13 at 10:00 am. I have ordered 17 books – if you would like me to reserve one for you please let me know. Or, you may buy one yourself – for your Kindle. I’m looking forward to sharing with everyone again. P.Jim

P.S. If you would like to read about the controversy in Phoenix go to

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