I believe…

I believe God has a sense of humor
I believe we have an obligation to leave the world better than we found it
I believe you can tell a person’s morals by the way they play golf
I believe it’s good to question
I believe none of us is qualified to judge the lives of others
I believe too much television is bad for our children
I believe when you truly embrace diversity, you embrace God

I believe music has the power to change lives
I believe God talks to us every day, if we listen

I believe my life is supposed to add up to something
I believe in taking the Bible seriously, but not literally
I believe if a homeless person asks for five dollars you should give him ten
I believe God created the earth and we ought to take care of it
I believe we should play nicely together
I believe we make life harder than it’s supposed to be
I believe that we are all God’s works of art
I believe no one who asks for help should be turned away
I believe that grace is more important than anything

I believe in the sanctity of all of life
I believe a church isn’t a building
I believe that ‘belief’ is about more than dogma
I believe in original blessing before original sin
I believe in including everyone
I believe love is the bottom line
I believe Christian life takes practice
I believe all things live in relationship
I believe Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life
I believe the greatest we can be is a servant

I believe Jesus became one of us… just a slob like one of us.

We may not all believe the same thing, but the people of the Cedar Cross United Methodist Church believe in God and in each other.
If you’re searching for something to believe in, our Hearts, Our Minds and Our Doors are always Open.