Adult Spiritual Formation

Pastor Jim’s Blog: During our work in the Beta-Vitality Committee we have generated all sorts of suggestions: reviewing our systems, creating shepherding groups, working on marketing, just to name a few. And as is always the case if suggestions are to turn into plans they require people committed to seeing them through. The Church is in one sense a volunteer organization – that is how the world would categorize us – but we are also a people called to be in ministry in some way. Some people like to work on the more functional aspects of the Church: finance, trustees, SPRC, etc. I am forever thankful for these people – without them the Church would not run at all. But there is also the work that is more directly related to our mission: to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world: Working with youth and children, being on the Missions or Welcoming Committees, for example. Since we started the Beta-Vitality process we have added our Caring Committee which has been very successful in nurturing our members. The Beta Vitality Committee has identified one area where we need some more structure and help – and then I would like to add another.

Since I came to Cedar Cross now nearly 5 years ago I have been creating, administrating and leading the ministry of Adult Education on my own. There has never been a committee for this ministry and there needs to be one. Our Bishop and Annual Conference has identified “Adult Spiritual Formation” as a priority in the making of disciples – each year in the annual report we submit to the Conference we are asked about the number of “disciple making” groups we have started in the past year. The kinds of things that we have been doing that are a part of this ministry is Adult Sunday School, the Wednesday class and the Lenten Study. Much more could be happening and included: Having a Younger Adult group and a Parenting class, for example. I am looking for people who would be excited about participating in this ministry. It is the kind of ministry that can be very fun and rewarding. If you are interested please let me know.

There is one other area of ministry that is not on the priority list with Beta Vitality, but it is something that is close to my heart. In one of our class times on Wednesday morning we were talking about faith in action, and specifically about the issue of social justice. There is an organization called Faith Action Network – FAN, for short – that serves as the ecumenical connection between churches in the region and what is happening in Olympia. I would like to see us establish an relationship with them and be involved in some of their activities. At least to publicize the issues that are happening in Olympia so that we all know and can act either together or on our own. I think we also need a Social Justice Committee. Relating to FAN would be the initial step, but it wouldn’t have to end there. We could decide to take on a particular issue where we see injustice in our community and/or in the world and in any way possible try to bring God’s justice to it. If you have a passion for this ministry I would like to hear from you.

We are a growing Church now and I think we need to consider ways we can grow in ministry too. P.Jim